Eyewear Shelf Organizer LINE-UP

Introducing LINE-UP: The Premier Eyewear Shelf Organization System. With its sleek, minimalist aluminum profile, this system attaches effortlessly to any smooth surface, providing a polished display for your eyewear frames. The adjustable stainless-steel eyewear holders glide smoothly within the profile, allowing for precise repositioning and ideal for shelf displays where products need to be perfectly aligned.

Key Features:
• Modular Design: Customizable and adaptable for various display needs.
• Organized Presentation: Ensures a tidy and attractive product showcase.
• Effortless Adjustment: Simple to move and reposition holders for a flawless display.

How to Order: To set up your shelves with the LINE-UP system, you'll need two components. First, order the aluminum profile, available in 1 meter (39.37 inches) lengths. Second, select the stainless steel eyewear holders based on your display requirements. You can find both product pages listed below. While the profiles can be easily cut with a fine metal saw, we offer this cutting service at no extra charge if needed.